What is the biblical definition of revival?

Editor's Notes: "Biblical definition of revival" has been published today to help the target audience gain a comprehensive understanding of this important topic.

We have put together this guide to help you understand the biblical definition of revival and the importance or benefits of revival. This guide will provide you with a clear and concise overview of the topic, so that you can make informed decisions about your own spiritual life.

Key Differences or Key Takeaways

Biblical Definition of Revival
DefinitionA renewed and intensified commitment to God, characterized by repentance, prayer, and a desire for spiritual growth.
ImportanceRevival is essential for the health and vitality of the church. It helps to renew our relationship with God, strengthen our faith, and equip us for service.
BenefitsRevival can bring about a number of benefits, including a deeper understanding of God's Word, a greater love for God and others, and a renewed sense of purpose and direction.
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In this article, we will explore the biblical definition of revival in more detail. We will discuss the importance of revival, the benefits of revival, and how to experience revival in your own life.

Biblical Definition of Revival

The biblical definition of revival is a renewed and intensified commitment to God, characterized by repentance, prayer, and a desire for spiritual growth. Revival is essential for the health and vitality of the church, and it can bring about a number of benefits, including a deeper understanding of God's Word, a greater love for God and others, and a renewed sense of purpose and direction.

  • Repentance: Turning away from sin and towards God.
  • Prayer: Communicating with God and seeking His guidance.
  • Spiritual growth: Growing in our knowledge of God and our love for Him.
  • Renewal: Experiencing a fresh start in our relationship with God.
  • Transformation: Being changed by the power of God.
  • Empowerment: Receiving the power of the Holy Spirit to live a godly life.
  • Mission: Being sent out to share the Gospel with others.
  • Impact: Making a difference in the world for God.

These eight key aspects of revival are all interconnected and essential for a healthy and vibrant church. When we experience revival, we are renewed in our relationship with God, empowered to live a godly life, and sent out to share the Gospel with others. Revival is a gift from God, and it is something that we should all pray for and seek.


Repentance is a key component of the biblical definition of revival. It is the act of turning away from sin and towards God. Repentance involves a change of heart and mind, as well as a change in behavior. It is not simply a matter of feeling sorry for our sins, but of turning away from them and committing ourselves to following God.

Repentance is essential for revival because it is the foundation for a renewed relationship with God. When we repent, we acknowledge our sinfulness and our need for God's forgiveness. We turn away from our old ways and commit ourselves to following God's commandments. This is a necessary step for experiencing the renewal and transformation that comes with revival.

There are many examples of repentance in the Bible. One example is the story of the prodigal son. The prodigal son left his father's home and squandered his inheritance on sinful living. When he came to his senses, he repented of his sins and returned home to his father. His father welcomed him back with open arms and celebrated his return.

Another example of repentance is the story of the tax collector Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus was a wealthy tax collector who was despised by the people of Jericho. When Jesus came to Jericho, Zacchaeus repented of his sins and pledged to give half of his possessions to the poor. Jesus welcomed Zacchaeus and declared that salvation had come to his house.

These are just two examples of the many stories of repentance that are found in the Bible. Repentance is a powerful act that can lead to a renewed relationship with God and a transformed life.


Prayer is a key component of the biblical definition of revival. It is the act of communicating with God and seeking His guidance. Prayer is essential for revival because it allows us to connect with God on a personal level and to receive His power and direction.

There are many examples of the importance of prayer in the Bible. One example is the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus. After Jesus' resurrection, two of His disciples were walking to the village of Emmaus. As they walked, they talked about the events of the past few days. They were confused and discouraged, and they did not understand what had happened to Jesus.

As they walked, Jesus joined them, but they did not recognize Him. Jesus asked them what they were talking about, and they told Him about their confusion and discouragement. Jesus then explained to them the Scriptures, and their hearts began to burn within them.

When they reached Emmaus, the disciples invited Jesus to stay with them. Jesus agreed, and they sat down to eat. As they ate, Jesus took bread, blessed it, and broke it. As He did this, the disciples' eyes were opened, and they recognized Jesus.

The disciples were overjoyed to see Jesus, and they spent the rest of the evening talking with Him. Jesus explained to them the Scriptures and the meaning of His death and resurrection. The disciples were filled with hope and joy, and they returned to Jerusalem to share the good news with the other disciples.

This story is a powerful example of the importance of prayer. The disciples were confused and discouraged, but through prayer, they were able to connect with Jesus and receive His power and guidance. Prayer is essential for revival because it allows us to connect with God on a personal level and to receive His power and direction.

PrayerBiblical Definition of Revival
DefinitionCommunicating with God and seeking His guidanceA renewed and intensified commitment to God, characterized by repentance, prayer, and a desire for spiritual growth.
ImportanceAllows us to connect with God on a personal level and to receive His power and guidanceEssential for the health and vitality of the church
BenefitsCan lead to a renewed relationship with God, a transformed life, and a greater impact for the Kingdom of GodCan bring about a renewed and intensified commitment to God, characterized by repentance, prayer, and a desire for spiritual growth.

Spiritual Growth

Spiritual growth is a key component of the biblical definition of revival. It is the process of growing in our knowledge of God and our love for Him. Spiritual growth is essential for revival because it is the foundation for a renewed and transformed life.

There are many ways to grow spiritually. We can grow spiritually by reading the Bible, praying, worshiping God, and serving others. As we grow spiritually, we will come to know God more deeply and our love for Him will grow stronger.

Spiritual growth is important for revival because it leads to a renewed and transformed life. When we grow spiritually, we become more like Christ. We become more loving, more compassionate, and more forgiving. We also become more equipped to serve God and to share the Gospel with others.

There are many examples of spiritual growth in the Bible. One example is the story of the disciples. The disciples were ordinary men who were transformed by their relationship with Jesus. They grew in their knowledge of God and their love for Him, and they became powerful witnesses for the Gospel.

Another example of spiritual growth is the story of the Apostle Paul. Paul was a persecutor of the church who was transformed by his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus. Paul became a powerful apostle who preached the Gospel throughout the Roman Empire.

These are just two examples of the many stories of spiritual growth that are found in the Bible. Spiritual growth is a powerful process that can lead to a renewed and transformed life.

Spiritual GrowthBiblical Definition of Revival
DefinitionGrowing in our knowledge of God and our love for Him.A renewed and intensified commitment to God, characterized by repentance, prayer, and a desire for spiritual growth.
ImportanceEssential for revival because it is the foundation for a renewed and transformed life.Essential for the health and vitality of the church.
BenefitsLeads to a renewed and transformed life, becoming more like Christ, and being more equipped to serve God and share the Gospel.Can bring about a renewed and intensified commitment to God, characterized by repentance, prayer, and a desire for spiritual growth.


Renewal is a key component of the biblical definition of revival. It is the act of experiencing a fresh start in our relationship with God. Renewal is essential for revival because it allows us to break free from the past and to start anew. It is a time of repentance, forgiveness, and recommitment to God.

  • Repentance: Turning away from sin and towards God. Renewal begins with repentance. We must acknowledge our sins and turn away from them in order to experience a fresh start with God. Repentance is not simply a matter of feeling sorry for our sins, but of turning away from them and committing ourselves to following God's commandments.
  • Forgiveness: Receiving God's forgiveness. Once we have repented of our sins, we can receive God's forgiveness. Forgiveness is a gift from God, and it is essential for renewal. When we are forgiven, we are cleansed from our sins and we can start anew with God.
  • Recommitment: Committing ourselves to following God. Renewal is not simply a matter of repenting of our sins and receiving God's forgiveness. It is also a matter of recommitting ourselves to following God. We must make a conscious decision to follow God's commandments and to live a life that is pleasing to Him.

Renewal is a powerful experience that can change our lives. When we experience renewal, we are forgiven of our sins, we are given a fresh start, and we are empowered to live a life that is pleasing to God. Renewal is essential for revival, and it is something that we should all seek.


Transformation is a key component of the biblical definition of revival. It is the act of being changed by the power of God. Transformation is essential for revival because it is the goal of revival. Revival is not simply a matter of returning to the way things were before. It is about being changed by the power of God and becoming more like Christ.

There are many examples of transformation in the Bible. One example is the story of the Apostle Paul. Paul was a persecutor of the church who was transformed by his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus. Paul became a powerful apostle who preached the Gospel throughout the Roman Empire.

Another example of transformation is the story of the woman at the well. The woman at the well was an outcast who was transformed by her encounter with Jesus. She became a powerful witness for the Gospel in her village.

These are just two examples of the many stories of transformation that are found in the Bible. Transformation is a powerful process that can change our lives. When we are transformed by the power of God, we become more like Christ. We become more loving, more compassionate, and more forgiving. We also become more equipped to serve God and to share the Gospel with others.

Transformation is essential for revival. It is the goal of revival and the result of revival. When we are transformed by the power of God, we are revived.

TransformationBiblical Definition of Revival
DefinitionBeing changed by the power of God.A renewed and intensified commitment to God, characterized by repentance, prayer, and a desire for spiritual growth.
ImportanceEssential for revival because it is the goal of revival.Essential for the health and vitality of the church.
BenefitsWe become more like Christ, more loving, more compassionate, and more forgiving.Can bring about a renewed and intensified commitment to God, characterized by repentance, prayer, and a desire for spiritual growth.


Empowerment by the Holy Spirit is a central aspect of the biblical definition of revival. It refers to the experience of receiving the power of the Holy Spirit to live a godly life. This empowerment enables believers to overcome sin, live in obedience to God's commandments, and bear witness to the Gospel.

  • Conviction of Sin: The Holy Spirit convicts believers of their sin, leading them to repentance and a desire for change.
  • Sanctification: The Holy Spirit sanctifies believers, setting them apart for God's service and transforming their character into the likeness of Christ.
  • Guidance: The Holy Spirit guides believers in their daily lives, helping them to make wise decisions and to discern God's will.
  • Power for Witness: The Holy Spirit empowers believers to be effective witnesses for Christ, giving them boldness to share the Gospel and to live out their faith in the world.

Empowerment by the Holy Spirit is essential for revival because it enables believers to live out the implications of their renewed commitment to God. It is through the power of the Holy Spirit that believers are able to repent of their sins, grow in holiness, and bear witness to the Gospel. Without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, revival would be shallow and short-lived.


Mission, or being sent out to share the Gospel with others, is an essential component of the biblical definition of revival. Revival is not simply about personal renewal and spiritual growth; it is also about sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with the world.

Jesus commanded his followers to "go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:19-20). This Great Commission is the basis for the mission of the church. We are called to share the Gospel with everyone we meet, both near and far.

Mission is important for several reasons. First, it is a way of obeying Jesus' command. Second, it is a way of sharing the love of God with others. Third, it is a way of making a difference in the world.

Revival is often accompanied by a renewed emphasis on mission. When people experience a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit, they are often motivated to share their faith with others. This can lead to a wave of evangelism and church planting, as people are drawn to the Gospel message.

There are many examples of missional revivals in history. One example is the First Great Awakening, which took place in the American colonies in the 18th century. This revival led to a wave of evangelism and church planting, and it is estimated that thousands of people came to faith in Jesus Christ.

Another example is the Azusa Street Revival, which took place in Los Angeles in the early 20th century. This revival led to the spread of Pentecostalism around the world, and it is estimated that millions of people have come to faith in Jesus Christ as a result.

Mission is an essential component of the biblical definition of revival. When we experience revival, we are not only renewed and refreshed in our own faith, but we are also empowered to share the Gospel with others. This is a great privilege and responsibility, and it is one that we should not take lightly.


Within the biblical definition of revival, the concept of "Impact: Making a difference in the world for God" holds great significance, highlighting the transformative power of revival and its far-reaching consequences. This impact manifests in various facets, profoundly influencing individuals, communities, and society as a whole.

  • Spiritual Transformation

    Revival brings about a deep spiritual transformation within individuals, leading them to live a life aligned with God's will and purpose. This transformation extends beyond personal piety, inspiring believers to actively engage in acts of compassion, service, and justice.

  • Community Renewal

    As individuals experience revival, a ripple effect occurs, permeating the community in which they live. Relationships are restored, brokenness is mended, and a spirit of unity and reconciliation prevails. This renewal extends to various aspects of community life, including education, healthcare, and social welfare.

  • Social Justice

    Revival often ignites a passion for social justice, compelling believers to address systemic issues such as poverty, inequality, and oppression. Inspired by the teachings of Christ, they actively work to create a more just and equitable society, advocating for the marginalized and voiceless.

  • Global Missions

    The impact of revival extends beyond local communities, reaching across borders and cultures. Believers are stirred to share the Gospel message with the world, driven by a desire to see individuals and nations transformed by the power of God.

In essence, the impact of "Making a difference in the world for God" is the culmination of the transformative power of revival. It encompasses the spiritual, social, and global dimensions, leaving a lasting legacy that resonates throughout history. This impact serves as a testament to the profound influence of revival, not only on individuals but on society as a whole.

FAQs on the Biblical Definition of Revival

This section provides answers to commonly asked questions regarding the biblical definition of revival, offering clarity and insights to enhance understanding.

Question 1: What is the biblical definition of revival?

Biblically, revival refers to a renewed and intensified commitment to God, characterized by repentance, prayer, and a desire for spiritual growth. It involves a profound transformation on an individual and collective level, leading to a deepening of faith and a rekindling of spiritual fervor.

Question 2: Why is revival important?

Revival is crucial for the health and vitality of the church. It fosters spiritual renewal, strengthens faith, and equips believers for service. Through revival, individuals and communities experience a renewed sense of purpose, direction, and empowerment to live out their Christian calling.

Question 3: What are the key elements of revival?

The biblical definition of revival encompasses several key elements, including repentance, prayer, spiritual growth, renewal, transformation, empowerment, mission, and impact. These elements are interconnected and essential for a genuine and lasting revival.

Question 4: How can we experience revival in our own lives?

Experiencing revival begins with a personal commitment to repentance and seeking God through prayer. Engaging in spiritual practices, such as Bible study, worship, and fellowship with other believers, can foster a deeper connection with God and create a fertile ground for revival.

Question 5: What are the benefits of revival?

Revival brings about numerous benefits, including a renewed understanding of God's Word, a greater love for God and others, and a renewed sense of purpose and direction. It empowers believers to live a life of holiness, service, and witness, impacting their communities and the world.

Question 6: How can we sustain revival in our lives and communities?

Sustaining revival requires ongoing commitment and intentionality. It involves maintaining a close relationship with God through prayer and spiritual disciplines, nurturing a spirit of unity and love within the community, and actively engaging in mission and outreach.

In conclusion, the biblical definition of revival provides a framework for understanding its transformative power and its importance for the spiritual health of individuals and communities. By embracing the key elements and seeking God's presence, we can experience renewal and revival in our own lives and contribute to a wider movement of spiritual awakening.

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Building on the biblical definition of revival, the following section will explore the practical aspects of experiencing and sustaining revival in our personal lives and communities.

Tips to Experience and Sustain Revival

Experiencing and sustaining revival requires intentionality and a commitment to spiritual growth. Here are several practical tips to facilitate this process:

Tip 1: Prioritize Prayer and Bible Study

Prayer and Bible study are essential for cultivating a close relationship with God. Through prayer, we communicate our hearts and seek His guidance, while Bible study nourishes our souls and transforms our minds. Regularly engaging in these practices fosters spiritual growth and creates a receptive heart for revival.

Tip 2: Seek Community and Accountability

Surrounding ourselves with a community of believers provides support, encouragement, and accountability. Being part of a faith community allows us to share experiences, learn from others, and hold one another accountable in our spiritual journeys. This collective support can greatly enhance our efforts to experience and sustain revival.

Tip 3: Engage in Spiritual Disciplines

Spiritual disciplines such as fasting, solitude, and meditation deepen our connection with God and cultivate a spirit of humility and self-reflection. These practices help us align our hearts and minds with God's will and create a fertile ground for revival to take root.

Tip 4: Serve Others and Share Your Faith

Serving others and sharing our faith are practical expressions of our love for God and our commitment to His kingdom. By engaging in acts of compassion and sharing the Gospel, we not only bless others but also open ourselves up to God's transformative power. These acts of service and evangelism can spark revival in our own hearts and in the lives of those we encounter.

Tip 5: Seek Renewal Regularly

Revival is not a one-time event but an ongoing process. Regularly seeking renewal through prayer, self-examination, and repentance helps us maintain a fresh and vibrant relationship with God. By continually surrendering our lives to Him, we create space for His Spirit to work mightily in us, leading to sustained revival.

Summary of Key Takeaways or Benefits

  • Prioritizing prayer and Bible study cultivates a close relationship with God.
  • Seeking community and accountability provides support and encouragement.
  • Engaging in spiritual disciplines fosters humility and self-reflection.
  • Serving others and sharing our faith blesses others and opens us to God's power.
  • Regularly seeking renewal maintains a vibrant relationship with God.

Transition to the Article's Conclusion

Incorporating these tips into our lives can position us to experience and sustain revival. By prioritizing our relationship with God, seeking support from others, engaging in spiritual disciplines, serving others, and regularly seeking renewal, we create a conducive environment for God's Spirit to move mightily in our hearts and communities.


In exploring the biblical definition of revival, we have uncovered its multifaceted nature, encompassing repentance, prayer, spiritual growth, transformation, empowerment, and mission. Revival is not merely an emotional experience but a profound transformation that permeates all aspects of our being, leading to a renewed commitment to God and a life lived in accordance with His will.

The pursuit of revival is an ongoing journey, requiring intentionality and a deep desire for God's presence. Through prayer, Bible study, community involvement, and spiritual disciplines, we can cultivate a fertile ground for revival to take root. As we surrender our hearts to God and seek His transformative power, we become vessels of His grace, empowered to impact our communities and the world with the message of hope and salvation.

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