With the end of To Your Eternity season 2, fans of the anime look forward to future seasons. While the third season of the anime has already been announced, fans look forward to the story set in the New World, free from Nokkers. Nevertheless, how long is the manga?

Yoshitoki Ōima's To Your Eternity follows the story of Fushi, who was previously a mysterious orb capable of taking on the forms of the beings and objects he comes in contact with. As he learns more about the world, he makes it his goal to defeat the Nokkers to protect innocent lives from being taken away.

How long is To Your Eternity manga?

Fushi as seen in the To Your Eternity anime (Image via Studio Drive)

To Your Eternity manga has only recently released chapter 169.1 and thus, it is nowhere near its end, given that the manga is mid-way through its current arc.

The anime only recently ended its Renril Arc, which might have left fans confused about the story as it saw a drastic change in its setting from an older era to the modern world.

While this may have left fans confused if the story had come to an end, the announcement at the end of the episode revealed that the third season was already in production.

The upcoming arcs are set in the modern world where Fushi can be seen interacting with elements that are normal to us. While two arcs have already been established in this new setting, it cannot be said how long the entire manga will run.

Given that the previous arcs set in the older era went as long as 116 chapters, fans can expect the Mangaka to give the same treatment to the New World.

Recap of To Your Eternity chapter 169.1

The Doll as seen in To Your Eternity chapter 169.1 (Image via Kodansha)

To Your Eternity chapter 169.1 revealed how the people that helped the doll were none other than Kai and Eko. When the doll comes to know of this, she thinks of using them to reach her goal of becoming a human. She grabs them and tells the hunters that she is the one who found them so that Kaibara will have to acknowledge her dream.

While Kai and Eko do try to make a run for it, the hunter's leader manages to catch them, only for them to later wake up at gunpoint from the doll. The doll then goes on to inform the hunter’s boss that they are awake and reveals how she was now working with the hunters.

The Doll set to shoot Kai and Eko (Image via Kodansha)

The boss asked Kai and Eko to reveal the location of the other immortals, following which the Doll does the same while pointing the gun towards them. When Kai asked her if she really wanted to shoot them, she revealed how her goal of becoming human was absolute, and if she proves her worth to Kaibara, they may accept her wish.

While Kai tries to claim that she doesn’t want to do this, upon hearing her boss's orders, the doll prepares to shoot the two immortals. While it is highly unlikely that she will be shooting the two immortals, it is for sure that she is dead set on becoming a human.

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